Apparently there is going to be some kind of big party for my birthday with fireworks and games! Mum and Dad took me to see where the party is going to be - spoiling the surprise a bit to be honest. There was a bit of rain and wind, hopefully that will go away in time for my party. To get warm we went to watch some people in a swimming pool. I would rather be in the pool myself but mum said that I wasnt allowed - did seem fair to me. Some of them were from Australia which is where Nan and Granbob live and they were throwing a ball to each other and trying to push some hungry girls out of the way - well that is what mum said, but I didnt think they were hungry - it was me that was hungry I had to eat some pasta to keep my strength up! We shouted Australia alot (I think skype wouldve been better if we wanted to get hold of Nan and Granbob, but there you go) and clapped sometimes - it was quite loud.

When we got home I thought about it and decided that I should get ready for some swimming too - I put my ballet skirt on too just in case there was time for dancing! Can't wait for my birthday party, but I dont think I could invite enough people to fill the stadium - not even with all the Bellis' and Davies' - but mum has probably got a plan, she normally does!
Well there are some exciting things to do in London Gwen and you do seem to be enjoying yourself a lot.xx