Friday, 14 September 2012

All changes

Gosh, it seems like another lifetime ago since last week!  We got back from holiday and I still haven't been back to nursery.  I have been going to Kasia's house in the morning to play.  It is great because Kasia lets me dress up as a fairy princess with dresses, wands and tiaras - mum doesnt normally let me - he he .  Kasia took me to Amanda's action kids too the other day - I got to sing and dance and play music, it was great.  I can play the guitar you know.
Yes, this is me in my new uniform - I go to Miss Alice's class now.  My uniform has got a picture of Putney Bridge on it.  When we are in class you have to sit down and listen to a story and be very quiet and not talk but listen.  I had to tell dad off because he was talking the other day when I was reading.
Mum took me the first time I went, I just waited for Miss Alice to open the gates and then ran in - mum looked a big lost, but she is a big girl, she can look after herself.
When I have finished, I go to the after-school club, eat food and play on the roundabout - it is brilliant, I just hold on tight and wait for all the big kids to spin me around faster and faster and faster.
By the time mum comes for me I am very tired and just go home and watch TV - phew, life's tough! xx
This is my cousin Ted on his first day at school too - he is with Aunty Bicky and Ollie too -  but they dont go to school. Ted doesnt go to my school, his teacher is called Miss Molloy.

Flying High

Ola mis amigos!
How cool do I look?  this is me and Naini and Taidi on a beach in Menorca.
Naini and Taidi arrived in London then the next thing I knew, mum was crying in nursery, I got presents from Sarah and then mum and dad disappeared!!!!!
I thought I heard them talking about Buddy-something, and mum was practising putting a dress on, but me and Nain and Taid just got on with it and had a great time.  They came back looking a bit tired, but then the next thing I knew we all got into Taidi's car and went to the airport.  I can tell when we are going to the airport because Daddy's eyes go all misty.
 I reminded mum that when we are on the plane, if the light isnt on then I get to have the IPAD - it was great fun.  After we got off the plane, we got into a car and Taidi was driving the car. Mum was in the front and they were arguing alot, but I think it was just because Taidi was on the wrong side of the road.....
Our house had a big pool and I spent lots and lots of time in it.  Dad came with me and was throwing me in the air - look at the picture - I was flying!!!!!
My floaties were Dora the Explorer, I dont know who she is but mum says she will find her on TV for me.  We had lots of fun, I watched lots of Lady and the Tramp and had a new bedroom all of my own.  I wish ted had been there though, that would have been ALOT of fun!!!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

By the Knight's Crown!

I love Mike the Knight and so me and Naini and Taidi and mum and dad went searching for Mike the Knight and Galahad in a castle!  There were lots of noises that sounded like horses, but I didnt see any.  I decided to take Ted and Aunty Vic and Ollie back there to see if they could help me find them cos Ted loves Mike the Knight too !  We didnt see any knights, but we saw a big flag with a Welsh Dragon on it and we explored the whole castle looking at things.  Me and Ted pretended to be knights in the castle ordering the troops (mum and aunty vic) around!

In the blink of a Knight's sword, it was my real birthday (I had three parties because I was three - next year is going to be exhausting!).  We had a big lion bouncy castle and lots and lots of my friends came to play.  Everyone went on my bouncy castle, but that was okay because I am good at sharing - even Ollie came on for a bounce and she is so little she can't walk on her own yet to come and play with me and Ted.

and then, by the Knight's Crown - there it was, my birthday cake - Mike the Knight and Galahad!!! woweeee.

Taidi said that he had made it......I don't think so Taidi!

Call this a holiday?

My mum has a funny idea about holidays....  We all went to Naini and Taidi's house in Wales for a "holiday".  Mum had me skimming the river for bugs and leaves, Taidi made me be the tester for his new swing, he pushed me really really high to make sure it wouldnt break.  I thought I was going to get some time off when Teddy arrived, but Mum and dad and Aunty Vic and Taidi took us on some horses and we had to take them for a walk and then a trot - it was a tough job - we had to hold hands for moral support!

Things got a bit better when we all went to see some horses do some work - they were really beautiful and very clever, they could jump over things and everything!  Mum kept talking about a coconut stand, but I didnt see any coconuts - work harder mum.  Taid was watching some dogs working too - although when I sat on my mum's shoulders and had a look all I could see was a black and white dog chasing some sheep around a big field.

Mum let me have a bacon sandwich and I thought the holiday was finally starting.  Oh no, we got home and me and dad had to clean the car!!!! x

It's me that's 3 not you!


Yes - summer took a long time coming this year.  Nan and Granbob even tried to bring it with them all the way from Australia but it didnt work!  Mum and dad and me seemed to have a long time off when Nan and Granbob arrived.  We went to the river to see some boats go past - it was very cold, then Amanda and Rachel and Michael and Katie all turned up and came back to our house.  Dad decided to have a bbq but guess what - it rained! Nan had to hold our big umbrella over the barbie to stop it going out - it was funny.  The strange thing was that the day that Nan and Granbob arrived it had been sunny and we were outside playing in the street with flags and bouncy castles (mum said it was okay).
Granbob read me lots and lots and lots of books, we had a lot of fun.  Nan picked me up from nursery and took me for a long walk home - one day she had to cover me in a jacket because it was that windy.

Then things got really brilliant!  Nan and Granbob and Uncle Geoff and Aunty Sam and Naini and Taidi and Aunty Ruth and Uncle Kevin and Evie all came around and we had a party with lots of presents, for me! I got a really really big balloon and it said 3 - that is me, three!
We had lots of food and fun and then....Nan showed me a cake for me!!! it was peppa pig - I love peppa!  Then everyone sang happy birthday to me, cos I am three!

Then we had to go to Evie's party and I got to play with her toys and help her blow out her candles.  I sang Happy Birthday to Evie, but it wasnt as good as when it was happy birthday to me, cos I am three! (and she is only little, she is two..)
Just before Nan and Granbob had to go on a big aeroplane we had another big party in our house.  This time it was really full and there were lots of people who said that it was them who were three - well I am sorry, but I am three - not them!

Monday, 16 July 2012

Galahad the great!

Yes, that is me! I am riding a pony just like Galahad.  Me and Ted and Ollie went on holiday with Naini and Taidi and Aunty Vic and Uncle Owen.  We did lots of fun things but the best thing of all was going for a ride on a real Galahad.  Taidi tried to hold me, but I told him.."Taidi, go away I dont need you".  One day Aunty Vic took us to Pirates and Princess party and I got a crown, Ollie came in at the end just for the photo op!  We went to Knights in Armour too and I made a Mike the Knight sword and shield and helmet and painted it silver - it is downstairs now and I wear them when I watch Mike the KNight on the TV.  My mum and dad didnt come, they had to go to work.  Me and ted didnt have a bike, but we had a carriage and aunty vic rode us around in it - I got to wear my helmet though.

Mum came on the last day and we went swimming.   It was cool, especially because I was allowed to go on the slide on my own (with Ted) and then mum took me outside in the cold and then Taidi bought me an icecream, right there next to the pool!!!  Me and mum caught a train home but we had posh seats, so we just sat back and watched the Ipad and ate some sandwiches - daddy met us when we got to London - phew, hard work all this holidaying xxx

Ollie's One

Wow - no sooner had we got  back from Turkey and we had to get on another plane and go to Ireland for Ollie's birthday.  I remembered the old trick from last time and reminded mummy that when the man at the front put the light out then i was allowed the IPAD - it was great.  When we got there, I was wearing my pirate hat and the man who looked at my passport said that pirates werent allowed in.  I distracted him by telling him my dad was sneaking in from Australia and I dashed through with mum, he he.  Me and mum looked everywhere for Aunty Vic and Ted but we couldnt see them - then I saw teddy and went running up to him and had a big hug.  When we got to Ted's house, Naini and Taidi and Aunty Angharad were there too! 
It was really hot and sunny in Aunty Vic's house and we had Ollie's birthday party outside, with balloons, pass the parcel and a barbie.  I think it might even have been sunnier than Turkey - no pool though, boo..Me and Ted slept in ted's bed and had alot of giggles - mum and aunty vic kept coming in to spoil our fun.

My mummy made a yellow flower cake and a tractor cake for Taidi - no cake for me though - that cant be right.  Ollie loved the cake though - the picture makes me laugh.
I am sure that Ollie's dress looks familiar - I should check some of my old blogs, didnt I have that one in Australia? xx

Turkish Delights

Hiya everyone!  I hope you agree that I look supercool in my swimming costume, floaties and goggles!  Me and mum and dad went on a big aeroplane to Turkey.  I was a really good girl and mum let me watch the IPad the whole way there.  When the man at the front puts the lights on though you have to switch it off, but as soon as the lights goes off - bang, you have to ask mummy for it back straight away.
I liked my Turkey house, it was made of stone and I had a big swimming pool all of my own  - I let mum and dad in sometimes, but mum made me do all the cleaning.This is a picture of me doing some lifts as a warm up before i jumped in - I can swim you know.

One day we went to the beach, it was great - I went in the sea with mum and we got really wet.  Our ball kept running away, but we just sent daddy to get it.

At night, there was a lot of thunder so I had to go in and see mum and dad, I think there was lightning too, but that was when I was asleep - I dont like thunder much.

Turkey was great, but I like houmous best. xx

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Olympic Dreams part deux

Apparently there is going to be some kind of  big party for my birthday with fireworks and games!  Mum and Dad took me to see where the party is going to be - spoiling the surprise a bit to be honest.  There was a bit of rain and wind, hopefully that will go away in time for my party.  To get warm we went to watch some people in a swimming pool.  I would rather be in the pool myself but mum said that I wasnt allowed - did seem fair to me.  Some of them were from Australia which is where Nan and Granbob live and they were throwing a ball to each other and trying to push some hungry girls out of the way - well that is what mum said, but I didnt think they were hungry - it was me that was hungry I had to eat some pasta to keep my strength up!  We shouted Australia alot (I think skype wouldve been better if we wanted to get hold of Nan and Granbob, but there you go) and clapped sometimes - it was quite loud.
When we got home I thought about it and decided that I should get ready for some swimming too - I put my ballet skirt on too just in case there was time for dancing! Can't wait for my birthday party, but I dont think I could invite enough people to fill the stadium - not even with all the Bellis' and Davies' - but mum has probably got a plan, she normally does!

Peppas a pig

Finally we got some sun!  as soon as it came out me and dad ran and got our shorts on and got the barbie out!  Mum said that we had to get on with the garden, and we did a bit of sweeping but mainly we played on my trampoline !
Not long after that we went to see Naini and Taidi and eat chocolate.  It was a bit strange cos Ted and Ollie werent there, but that just meant that there was more chocolate for me he he ...
We played on Molly's trampoline and drank warm milk and had some fish fingers at a really long table with Uncle Rhys, Uncle Wyn, Uncle Huw and Aunty Jacky and Aunty Yvonne and Aunty Chez and Aunty Angharad and Emily and Nia and Molly and Dylan and Lewys and Mum and Dad and Naini and Taid - there were lots of people!
When Naini said it was time to go back to London (they think I didnt see their bags packed ready to go somewhere else as soon as we left, but I did) - we went for a drive and went to a big palace thing and into the garden.  I thought it was going to be really boring, then guess what?  I saw Peppa and George - it was really exciting and I got to shake their hand and touch them and say hello.  When they went for a lie-down the waybuloos came out and we all did yoga!  Mum bought me a balloon with Peppa on, it was the best bit.....

I went to see Evie after that to tell her all about Peppa and George - but she didnt know who they were, so I had to tell her. WE had a great time playing with Evie's toys and dancing and eating duck and then it was time to go in the car AGAIN and go back to London - it is tiring doing all this sitting in cars, good job I have got lots of chocolate to give me energy!!!!