Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Taidi retires !
As you all know, we went to Wales last week to see Naini and Taidi. Uncle O, Aunty Vic and cousin Ted turned up too! It was very cold there and I had to wear the fur-lined snowsuit which UNcle Rhys, Aunty Jacky and Nia bought me when I was little. Mum took me for a walk up a hill which I really enjoyed cos we saw sheep and dogs and a big tractor - but mum was puffing and huffing alot so I am not sure if she enjoyed it much!!!!! - life's easy in a pram - he he
Cousin Ted was really kind to me again, playing with me and giving me hugs. Naini was helping mum to look after me, but one day they tried to come between me and my food and I gave Naini what for! - I sucked her chin - he he he - and you could tell afterwards that I had done it cos there was a mark there, so I felt quite bad - but that will teach them to try and come between me and my food..
One night, I woke up and mum wasnt there - Aunty Yvonne and Molly were there and they gave me lots of cuddles and I went back to sleep. Apparently, mum and dad and the others had gone to Taidi's retirement party. I think they had a good time as they were talking about it the next day and I heard mum and dad creep into our room really late. They had to get up to give me my 4am feed though (see previous comment)....
Also whilst we were there we went to see my mummy's friends Sarah and Haydn and there little girl Hannah - she was kind to me too! Mum abd I had fun driving our new car to Wales - mum has put a mirror in front of my seat so I can look and laugh at myself on the journey!!!
Guess what else happened in Wales? Aunty Vicky was teething!!!!! - she got 2 big teeth at the back - I wonder if it hurts as much as mine do?
We skyped Nan and granbob too as it was Nan's birthday (Happy Birthday Nan!) - granbob was wearing shorts - surely it is too cold for shorts in the winter?
We went for a long walk with the Davies Clan too which ended in the pub - it was great!
We are at home now, but just as I was enjoying being home Mummy took me to the doctors and they stabbed me THREE times!!!!! I am not feeling too good today, I think it is because of the stabs - still, I can lie around all day and demand cuddles whenever I like so its not all bad!
love Gwennie xxx
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Gwen, Mummie has told me that you thought it was strange that I am wearing shorts at this time of the year! Well it's a topsy turvy world we live in. You and two thirds of the world live in the topsy part and we (nan and granbob) live in the turvy part where everything is upside down. So I can wear shorts in December! In fact it is comfortable because it is so hot. One day you will learn how it all works. We (nan and me) think you are making great progress and this is terrific. granbob