Sunday, 27 December 2009

Intruder Alert, Intruder Alert

Hello peeps - this is Ted Conry!

I have hacked into my cousin Gwen's computer and thought I tell you what I have been up to you and post some pics of ME!!

I arrived a week ago agt my Naini's house - Gwen was already here with aunty Sarah - I dont bother calling her aunty Sarah - just Sarah. In fact, sometimes I call my daddy Ow (!) - and my taidi Bryn - he he he

We have had lots of fun this last week - I have been teaching her tricks when noone is looking! I have had lots of presents off Santi and the family. I got a trailer from Naini and Taidi, a toolbox from Sarah and Doug, a book from Gwen, jigsaws, garden toolbelt, lego, an airport set (I have had to keep Doug away from it!) and loads of clothes and other toys - I love it!

Another REALLY great thing is that Naini has been making LOADS of pies!!!!!! - mince pies, christmas pudding pies, profiterole pie, trifle pie, brownie pies, apple pie LOADS!!! Me and Dougie both LOVE pies - they are our favourite food! I could eat them at every meal, all day, every day!!!!

Enough chat - here are some pictures of me!!!!!!!!! - gotta go, Gwen is waking up and she might catch me - he he he!

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow....

Hello Everyone!

Sorry I haven't updated my blog for the past week. We have been busy having fun with Naini and Taidi.

I am feeling much better, although mum has been putting some stuff in my eyes lots of times every day - I don't want her too, but she is bigger than me! My eyes are better now though and I am having more fun. I am really close to rolling over from my back to my front with no help...I am determined to do it though. Yesterday mum gave me a shove onto my front and then I was able to practise crawling as long as I had something to push off of! - watch out for me!!

I have got my own highchair here - it is great cos I can sit and watch everyone eat and I feel part of the crowd. Cousin Ted has been great sharing things with me, including hugs and kisses!

I woke up this morning and it was white!!!- I asked Taidi to take a picture of their house covered in snow it is great! Mummy took a picture of Taidi pretending to throw some of the white stuff - wonder if I will be allowed to go out and roll in it later? I sneaked a peek out of the window last night when everyone thought I was asleep and I saw mum, dad, aunty vic and uncle O outside in the snow - dad had an umbrella!!

Mum seems very excited today and keeps talking about someone called Father Christmas - although she also talks about someone else called Santi to Cousing Ted - not sure who they are, but mum is very excited!

Will update you when I next get chance - mum says maybe tomorrow !!!!! - wonder what I will have to say after only one more day....

Nadolig Llawen,

Gwennie xxxxxxx

Monday, 14 December 2009

Party Central

Hello Everyone!

Just a quick update from me before I head off to Wales with Mummy for Christmas! Not sure what this Christmas thing is but there is tinsel, lights, men in red with beards and more lights!!!!!!!! Mum and Dad had a party yesterday, but I had to go to bed early so I missed most of it - from what I could hear from my room it was alot of fun (for some people!)

Also, as you can see from the pics, Taidi turned up in the middle of the week - he didnt stay long but it was good to catch up with him!! - Naini didnt come - not sure why...

Me and mummy went to see my friend Ellie and her friend Leah on Monday - we had to drive across London to Greenwich, but it was great fun.

One last thing - I went to the clinic today and got weighed - I am now over 6kg or
13 and a half pounds....but if anyone says anything about my muffin top- watch out I know KARATE!!!! - see pic below.

Lots and lots of love,


Monday, 7 December 2009

Jingle Bells

Hi Everyone!

All of a sudden things seem to have got a lot sparklier and there are flashing lights everywhere. Mummy and Daddy say that it is something called Christmas, but I am not sure what that is. So far it seems to involve tinsel which I loved playing with (see pic) and some flashing lights in the the flat. Also, we all went to our local park on Saturday and stood around whilst some men dressed in red with beards sang some songs. I recognised some of the songs cos mum and dad sing them to me in the bath - but there seemed to be more words in the ones we heard and the tune sounded a bit different....nicer than mum or dad's version really - but dont tell them that!!!! Dad took a picture of me and mum with two of the men in red, it is a bit blurry - but you get the idea!

I have heard talk of a party next weekend so I will keep you posted about that - I dont know if it is to do with this "Christmas" thing or not... I went to my friend's house today - but I will tell you all about that in another blog later in the week.

Hope all your lives have suddenly got tinsel in them!!!

Lots of Love,

Gwennie xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Where's Mum???

Hiya Everyone!

Yesterday I had a very strange day, Mum disappeared for the whole day, while Dad didn't leave !! What was happening?? Dad was saying something about a kit day and mum going back to work ??? Not sure what that is but it meant that instead of seeing Mum all day I got to see Dad. What a day we had! I was feeling a bit grumpy when I woke up, but after a few cuddles from Dad I managed to have a "lie-in"... what ever that is. After I woke up I had a quick feed and we went for a walk. When Dad pushes me its smooth and slow, sorry Dad I think I like Mum's wild ride better! Although I couldn't remember all of the walk as I had a bit of nap. Once we got home Dad and I were having a kick about on my play mat, then we had some time on my tummy... not sure why both Mum and Dad keep on insisting on putting me on my tummy. Dad was also singing me strange australian songs then. Not sure what a coolibah tree is but aparently you can boil a billy under it while singing about waltzing?? Dad gave me lots of cuddles throughout the rest of the afternoon. By 5.30 both Dad and i were waiting by the window when we saw Mum walking out in the street. She was pleased to see us both... I was very tired tho, I had too much fun throughout the day. I'm using a different scribe today but will be back to my normal one next time. Laters G x x x p.s. I've posted a picture of Dad and me with Kimmy the Kangaroo x

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Taidi retires !


As you all know, we went to Wales last week to see Naini and Taidi. Uncle O, Aunty Vic and cousin Ted turned up too! It was very cold there and I had to wear the fur-lined snowsuit which UNcle Rhys, Aunty Jacky and Nia bought me when I was little. Mum took me for a walk up a hill which I really enjoyed cos we saw sheep and dogs and a big tractor - but mum was puffing and huffing alot so I am not sure if she enjoyed it much!!!!! - life's easy in a pram - he he

Cousin Ted was really kind to me again, playing with me and giving me hugs. Naini was helping mum to look after me, but one day they tried to come between me and my food and I gave Naini what for! - I sucked her chin - he he he - and you could tell afterwards that I had done it cos there was a mark there, so I felt quite bad - but that will teach them to try and come between me and my food..

One night, I woke up and mum wasnt there - Aunty Yvonne and Molly were there and they gave me lots of cuddles and I went back to sleep. Apparently, mum and dad and the others had gone to Taidi's retirement party. I think they had a good time as they were talking about it the next day and I heard mum and dad creep into our room really late. They had to get up to give me my 4am feed though (see previous comment)....

Also whilst we were there we went to see my mummy's friends Sarah and Haydn and there little girl Hannah - she was kind to me too! Mum abd I had fun driving our new car to Wales - mum has put a mirror in front of my seat so I can look and laugh at myself on the journey!!!

Guess what else happened in Wales? Aunty Vicky was teething!!!!! - she got 2 big teeth at the back - I wonder if it hurts as much as mine do?

We skyped Nan and granbob too as it was Nan's birthday (Happy Birthday Nan!) - granbob was wearing shorts - surely it is too cold for shorts in the winter?

We went for a long walk with the Davies Clan too which ended in the pub - it was great!

We are at home now, but just as I was enjoying being home Mummy took me to the doctors and they stabbed me THREE times!!!!! I am not feeling too good today, I think it is because of the stabs - still, I can lie around all day and demand cuddles whenever I like so its not all bad!

love Gwennie xxx

Monday, 23 November 2009

Victories, colds and parties!

Hi everyone,

Sad to announce that I am still not feeling 100%, but it is just a cold and mum says it will get better soon. In the meantime, I am overdosing on's great.

I watched my team win again this weekend! (this time mum got a shot of me and my dragon) - mum was excited, but she said that next weekend is going to be even more exciting - daddy didnt look as happy as mum when she said that - I guess I will just have to wait and see what she is talking about...

After watching the rugby (poor Australia), I had my bath and feed from mum as normal, then a weird thing happened. Mum and dad put me in my car seat and we went out in the car (!!!) - I was looking at them as if to say "What on earth is happening", but they just said we were going to a party. I never saw a party - I went to sleep and when I woke up we were leaving someone's house and it was late. Next thing I know I was in my bed - don't think these party things are up to much....-very boring.

The next day we went out to a posh restaurant for my mummy's friend's husband's birthday celebrations. I didnt have any food, but it looked nice and mum and dad ate it all. They were talking about how the man that made the food won some MasterChef professional award - not sure what that he isnt as good a cook as my dad or my Naini!

I wore the new dress that my Aunty Vic bought me - I think it is great - check it out..

Me and Mummy are going to baby massage and then jumping in our new car tomorrow and hitting the motorway - Taidi's retirement do here we come!!!! Can't wait to see everyone again - bring on the cuddles!! xxxx

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Elbows - I have Elbows!


I am not feeling 100% but I rallied for an hour or so and mum caught me doing this!!!

love G xxx

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

Hello everyone!

Mummy, Daddy and I have just got back from Ireland visiting Aunty Vic, Uncle O and cousin Ted. We had a really great time and I got to play with my big cousin ALOT. He was really good at showing me how to play in his playmat and bringing me lots of things to play with. He gave me lots of cuddles and kisses too which I love! Mummy did some of her baby massage on him after I told him about it and he liked it too! He has got really cool hair - but Aunty Vicky cut off some of it on Saturday - I watched and he was very brave, but I hope Mummy never does that to me.

Aunty Vicky and Naini (her and Taidi were there too) looked after me one day whilst mum and dad disappeared - apparently they went to watch rugby with Taid and Uncle Owen. Dad didnt look too happy when they got back, but neither did Uncle Owen so maybe they both won? Still, dad looked alot worse before he went - I am not sure what was wrong with him, he was okay when he went to the pub the night before... The other picture on this blog is me in cousin Ted's buggy all wrapped up snug when Naini and Aunty Vicky took me for a walk on the beach - it was nice, but windy.

my mouth has been hurting alot and mum says I am grumpy, but she doesnt know how it feels!

We have just been to baby massage class - it was nice to see all my friends but I wasnt really in the mood so I put up with half of the class and then told mum I had had enough and wanted my bottle. It is a bit confusing cos mum has started feeding me from a bottle once a day and dad once a day - I dont really care though as long as I get it!!!

I am off for a snooze now so I will have to love you all and leave you!

Love Gwennie xxx

Sunday, 8 November 2009

1st Team Lose, 2nd Team Win - ho hum

Mummy says that I have to get used to my rugby team leading me on an emotional rollercoaster - I am not sure what on earth she is talking about, but yesterday I watched Wales play rugby and it was very exciting! I wore a tshirt with Welsh dragons like my dragon (Danny) on it. I sat on my mum's knee to watch it and I had to bite my nails as it was a bit nerve-wracking, especially at the end! - see photo...... We lost.....but at least Nan will be happy!

Earlier in the day, I sat with Dad and Kimmy the Kangaroo to watch Australia (my 2nd team) beat England (not my team at all) - it was great. We had to watch a bit of it in someone else's house whilst mum was drinking something that looked fizzy but it was still good.

Mum was really loud yesterday - shouting alot at the telly. Not as loud as I was this morning though ! - my mouth hurts a bit and although I always have my fingers in my mouth it still stings. Mum doesnt seem to have any answers - typical! - I will have to sort it out myself.....

We are going to see cuz Ted next weekend so maybe he will have some tips for me..

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Pub, Oils, Needles and cousins!!


What a busy week! We went to the pub on Saturday to celebrate dad's new status - again! It was good fun, especially as some of my friends came too!

On Tuesday, mum took me to someone's house where I had never been before! - We all sat around in a circle and then mum started messing with my arms and rubbing my tummy!! - it felt quite nice so I just sat/lay there whilst she did it. I was pretty sleepy afterwards..... Later that day we went for another walk and this lady stabbed me in the leg - twice!! Not sure what that was all about, but it made me feel a bit groggy - didnt hurt though! Straight after that me and mum went for a coffee - then another lady turned up who seemed to know my mum. She kind of looked a bit like me and mum - she had dark hair and it was curly like ours - but she spoke a bit different.. She gave me lots of cuddles which was really nice - mum said her name was Jane and that she was my cousin. I think she must be a cousin like cousin Ted - but I don't think she lives near him and she talked about some different boys - so maybe I have cousins in more than one place?? - not sure. Anyway, mum took a picture this morning so you can see for yourselves!

The 3 of us went for a long walk this morning and then went out for lunch - it was great fun cos I was just looking around at all the hanging things - there seem to be a lot more things hanging from the ceilings when we go into shops now - not sure why...

Daddy is in Uni tonight so it was just me and mum tonight - I was a bit grumpy to be honest, but I had been stabbed only yesterday!

Lots of Love,

Gwennie xxxx

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Pom(p) and Ceremony


Yesterday was a very busy day so I am quite tired today. Mummy, me, Aunty Sam and her sister Belinda all went to see Uncle Geoff and Daddy shake hands with a man wearing a big red dress. There was some talking and some singing and a very big man carrying a shiny gold thing.

Then we went for some coffee and cake (I wasnt allowed any- not fair) and then to the pub. All the others had some food which looked v nice - they said it was venison scotch eggs (no idea!), cauliflower cheese croquettes, kipper croquettes and some vension sausages. Me and mum left about 4.30, but dad and unc geoff stayed. I had alot of fun watching everything that was going on, napping and generally having a good nose. Dad was there when I woke up for my bottle though.

Today mum and I are going to meet my friends in a coffee shop - hope I am up to it!

Mum took a picture of me this morning with "bed head" too when I was wearing my cousin ted's old sleepsuit - I hope I look cute.....

Sunday, 25 October 2009


Hello Everybody!

Sorry I haven't written for a while I have been quite busy - you know how it is! Mummy and I hosted all my friends and their mummies from the NCT this week for an afternoon. It was good fun, but I am not sure I liked sharing all my playthings with them - I had to warn one boy off with a tap on the nose! I think I only like sharing my things with cuz Ted cos he is so brilliant about sharing his things with me - but Mummy says I should share with other people too!

Also, new news is that Dad has started feeding me late at night - it tastes a bit different but I can guzzle it REALLY fast it is great! I think it must be a bit different to the other meals I have as I then sleep for quite a while at night - mum is looking a lot better - she was starting to get embarassing as she was looking quite rough ;)

Wait until you see the picture on this blog - Nan and Granbob sent me these boots all the way from Australia (I don't know how far away it is but everyone talks like it is a long way away) - they are UGGs and all I know is that they are v warm and that Naini and Aunty Vicky have got a pair too so they must be cool.

Mummy and I went for a long walk up the Kings Road on Friday and I bought something called charms with some money that my mum's naini left for me. I think I will put them on a bracelet one day when I am big enough to wear one and in the meantime Mummy says we can put them on the wall to decorate my room!!!!

We are going to Ruthie's for dinner today - the second Sunday we have had out as last week Aunty Sam and Uncle Geoff invited us over and made us food! I also got presents from Aunty Sam which was great!!!!!! - I love presents!

Mum says we have a busy week ahead - dad is changing into a pom or something? I dont know what that means but I will let you know all about next time!

LOts of Love,

Gwennie xxx

Friday, 16 October 2009

Remember my name - FAME!

Hi Everyone!

I am back in London and it is chilly - brrrrr! Mum and me came back in the car on our own - I was allowed in the front seat for the first time and it was great! Dad was really pleased to have us home - he had bought me flowers! - poor mum got nothing..

Me and mum went to see FAME this week - I quite enjoyed it but mum said it wasnt as good as the original - I caught her singing along though!

Yesterday we went to meet the other babies from the NCT - I think I am the prettiest and mum agrees - it is probably mainly because I have the most hair!

Mum says that we are having a lazy day in today - have to see what I can do about that!

By the way, I roll over onto my side on my own all the time now - it is great fun. This is a picture of me this morning and mum also took one of me last night just after the bath - I think the one today is nicer.


love Gwen

Monday, 12 October 2009

Stranded at the drive in, branded a fool.....

well, not quite! - Mummy and I are stranded in Wales!!!

Mummy's car is in the garage and we are waiting to find out if it is going to get better so we can't go home yet. Daddy came up on Friday and then had to go back last night to London - me and Mummy were both sad to see him go.

The good news is that the sun is shining and that also, after 5 days of no serious toilet trips (if you know what I mean...;), the floodgates have reopened - hurrah - I feel much better. Mum thinks that I have been grouchy because of it, but to be honest I am loving all the attention from Naini and Taidi and all the cuddles I get when I cry a bit!!!!! - dont think it will work when Mummy gets me home though - will have to behave better for a little while - he he he

On Saturday, we went to a new place which had lots of people and horses and a man talking REALLY loud about lengths and best dressed ponies - I am not sure what was going on but Mum and Dad both seemed happy about something called "winnings". Great uncles Rhys and Wyn were there and Great Aunties Augharad, Jacky and Yvonne and Molly and Nia - it was alot of fun and I got lots of cuddles and lots of strangers were looking at me and smiling - I looked very smart though so who can blame them!!! - pic attached of me and Naini just before we went.

I am 11 weeks old today and I think I have grown alot recently - mum says that I am too tall for my 0-3 sleepsuits now - I hope this means I am getting new ones and not that she is just going to cut the bottoms off my old ones!

I think mum is taking me for a walk later - we went on Friday and i saw lots of new things - they were mainly green.

I will let you know when I get back to London - although I like it lots here, the food is excellent..

G xx

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Dad - I need a gadget!

Greetings from Llandyrnog!

I am afraid that there is no picture today as I don't know how to do it on nain's computer - dad, where is your box of gadgets when I need them!!!!!

Hot news of the week so far is that mum and dad nearly starved me on Monday night - I went to sleep after my supper at 10.30 and then they didnt give me my normal midnight snack cos the next thing I knew it was 6am! - my gosh I was hungry. Mum seemed really happy about it, I don't know why....

Mummy and me are in Nain and Taid's house today! - Nain appeared from nowhere on Monday in our flat - she said she came by train, but I think she was in the shops the whole time, just don't tell Taid! Speaking of which, I went to Taid's office yesterday - he wasn't there, but I had a go on his computer and his phone - he he !!!!

Mum and I are going out in a minute to meet Nain for lunch - Taid has sent her on a cookery course which I think is a bit mean cos cousin Ted tells me that Nain's cooking is brilliant, I can't wait to try it when I am older.

That's all for now - I will try and work out how to post a picture next time!

ta ta for now

gwen xxxxx

Saturday, 3 October 2009

First day at work (sort of )

Morning all,

Yesterday Mummy took me for my first day at work - just teasing...... we went to visit Daddy in his office. There were lots of people there and they were talking about me alot. Luckily, they were saying all nice things so it was okay. Daddy was showing off a bit I think, and mum made sure I wore a really smart outfit - it paid off though as apparently they all thought I was v pretty!!

After my public appearance we went to the pub for lunch which was nice as there was lots to look at. Me and mum went for a bit of a walk near home afterwards and that was the day done! I wasn't in the mood to sleep much last night - I think mum and dad were though - he he......

Today I am going to somewhere called Westfield with mum and her friend Ruth - hope there is lots to see there.....


P.S. I overheard mum talking about something called baby massage - sounds ominous....will keep you posted xxx

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Gwen and Daddy hit the Fulham Rd Starbucks!


Well it has been another busy few days! Mummy was ill on Monday so daddy stayed home and looked after me. It was great to spend the day with him - we went for a walk and to Starbucks (it is what all the trendy babies do with their dads) and then to the doctors. Some lady poked me with something sharp which dad said would stop me getting sick - I didnt bother crying as it didnt hurt and the lights were more exciting!

Mum was okay by the next day so we just hung out a bit and then yesterday we went for a really long walk with my friend Eddie and his mum - I was feeling a bit under the weather but all the fresh air was nice. Later that evening dad gave me my tea - it was a bit strange cos it tasted exactly the same as what I normally get but wasnt from mum - mysterious - it was nice though and I just gobbled it up. Mum was videoing it for some reason - sometimes she is so embarassing! Anyway, it didnt last long and then it was back to mum for my normal serving!

We went to my other friend Amy's house today for our weekly meet-up with the other babies - it was nice to see them, but I mainly slept through it all!!

Here are some pics of me in the bath last night and also of me going out today - the leggings are really cool - all the other mums loved them - mum bought me them with the money that Nan, Granbob, Uncle Geoff, Aunty Sam and some others won in a pub!!!

Love Gwen

P.S. Nain, I love my tights - don't diss the tights! - I will put up a pic soon of me in them so that others can give their opinion..... xxxx

P.P.S. As you can see I LOVE sucking my thumb - sometimes my whole hand...

Sunday, 27 September 2009

250 years of Guiness


Well, we are just back from Ireland ! We had a great time. I have now been on the Tube - it was pretty cool, I just closed my eyes and slept on Friday and then had a good look around this afternoon on our way back! Dad was very happy in the airport on Friday looking at all the planes! Aunty Vic and cousin Ted picked us up from the airport and by the time we got to their house, Nain and Taid were only a few minutes behind us. I spent most of the weekend playing with Ted's stuff - he has got a jungle gym playmat which he let me play with. I also got lots of hugs and kisses from everyone - it was great.

Dad, Uncle O and Taidi were busy yesterday doing some paving or something - they made alot of noise and got very dirty whatever they were doing! We girls and Ted stayed inside in their lovely house and just got dressed up in some nice dresses (well I did - can't say mum and aunty vicky made much of an effort!!). I also had a bath with cuz Ted which was cool - mum took some video of it - think that might come back to haunt me in years to come!!!

We got preferential boarding on the airplane which I liked - mum says that if you travel business class you can do that too- I think I will like to travel business class when I am older, then I can get on the plane first then too!

We are home now and I am just having a good stretch on my mat - travelling is great, but as I cant run around you get a bit squashed!
Oh - another first - Dad carried me in the sling - it is normally mum!

Here are some pics - one of me and mum on the plane on the way there, one of me with Ted and one of me with Taidi!

Bye for now - I have to have another bath !!

Love Gwen

P.S. STOP PRESS.....I have just rolled over on my own!

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Have Passport, will travel

We are getting ready to go! - I have my passport and am ready to start my global trotting!!!!!!!

Can't wait to get on that plane - also, mum tells me I will be going on something called "The Tube" to get to the airport....

Packing today, but also going around to my friend Imogen's house to meet up with the rest of the NCT gang!

Ireland here we come!!!!!

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

More Needles


Well that BCG was all a fuss about nothing - I barely noticed the lady and her needle. Mum said that I am braver than Daddy cos he is too scared to go and get one too!

Mum and I have just been to the cinema, I didn't see much of the film but the bus journey there was good - I could see lots of people cos mum had me in the sling. We are all going to Ireland to see cuz Ted on Friday on something called an aeroplane. I am not sure what that is, but dad's eyes light up whenever he see one and sometimes in the middle of the night when we are having "daddy and daughter time" he talks about them - 757s and stuff !

No picture for this blog - I will make up for it next time. When I see Aunty Vic I am going to ask for some tips on posing in pics so expect the next set to be professional!

love xxxxxx G

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Tongues and stuff


I had quite a shock yesterday - mum took me to the hospital where I was born and dad met us there. Then, a man weighed me (4.5 kg) and we waited to see another man. I was pretty hungry by this stage and mum was just about to feed me and we had to go into the 2nd man's office. There was talk of breast-feeding, speech and eating ice-creams (sounds nice) - but all I was interested in was my lunch. Anyway, the man held my head still which I didnt like and then put something in my mouth and I heard a snip - I was screaming alot by this stage - I was hungry and didnt want my head held still by a stranger. The next thing I know - finally! - I get my lunch!! Me and mum walked home through the park and I couldnt stop playing with my tongue, it felt very different and I can make more shapes with it stick it out now - amazing.....
Mum took this picture of me when we got home - I think she was trying to get one when my tongue was all the way out - but I wasnt in the mood for posing to be honest.
Anyway - that was yesterday - I have heard something about a BCG injection today, don't know what it is, but I hope there will be no head holding!



Thursday, 17 September 2009

A friend to play


Today I had a friend around to play - her name is Ellie and she is the daughter of my mummy's oldest friend. They live in Greenwich, but came over to our house to see us. We had a play there, then we went to Le pain (after I showed her the sloaney pony and other sights) for lunch. She is 6 and a half months so she can almost crawl and she can roll an make alot of noise - but I have more hair! Her mm and my mum have known each other since they were 3, but we can beat that!

Ciau for now,


P.S. Going for the tongue tie snip thing on Monday, hope this means I get more food faster - yum scrum !

Monday, 14 September 2009

Mummy's revenge

Mum says I have been a naughty girl, not sleeping at night and screaming too loud! I know I am not that naughty really cos she still gives me lots of hugs - but she has insisted on posting a picture of me in full flow - how embarrasing!

I had a great weekend - dad looked after me whilst mum had an hour on her own - I think she went out with a book and had a glass of wine. Me and dad went for a walk and watched some rugby down in the park!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

Friday Night at the White Horse

It was a hard day yesterday....mummy and I went shopping at High Street Kensington for the first time. We got the bus which I loved and just fell asleep! Mum fed me in the cafe at M&S (and bought me some vests) - there was a man there who was Italian but looked alot like Great Uncle Rhys Bellis - it was freaky! (of course, I have never met him but mum told me..). Aunty Sam and Uncle Geoff had given me from money to spend at Baby Gap so I went to spend it! The money was the winnings from a quiz that they, Sam's family, granbob and nan won. Mum and I chose some black leggings, black and white top and a green top with a russian doll - I think I might be a goth when I grow up! Mum got some tops from Gap too. We had lunch in Cafe Rouge which was nice although mum struggled to eat her caeser salad as I was more interested in my lunch! We caught the bus back and then walked home from Fulham Broadway. I was a bit fed up by the time we got home as I was tired, but I had a good feed and sleep once we were there. Then dad came home and we got ready to go out - my first trip to the Sloaney Pony. I think I looked pretty smart - I attach a picture. Mum and I only stayed and hour but dad stayed with Jo (his French ex-flatmate) and Mark for a couple more and then they all came home for a takeaway curry. I like having people here it is alot of fun.

We have all had a sleep-in this morning, but I have had a great kickabout on my playmat this morning and then I think I will watch the ODI cricket with my dad today.


Gwennie (P.S. My passport arrived this week!!!!!! - 2 trips to Ireland to see cousin Ted already planned)

Welcome to my world !

Welcome to my world everyone ! When I get time away from feeding and playing on my jungle mat I'll let you know what's happening with me. Many more posts to come!
Gwen x