yes, that is right folks, I am a fairy in this picture, I look very pretty. ![]() |
Mum picked me up from schol one day and we jumped in the car and drove like the wind to naini's house! Ted came the next day and I gave him a big hug. Ollie and I love eating ice cream too - do you like my headband? |
Just when I thought things couldnt get more exciting, we went and saw father christmas!!! he was really nice and said that he would bring me all my presents, and he did!!!! I am such a good girl!!! Ollie was a good girl too, she got a pony and I called it twinkle toes.
I got a big red engine for my train set from santa, and a Gwen Pad - wow, I am sooooo good. Do you like my crown and cape and gloves? my mummy;s friend who copied my mums name bought it for me - just call me Queen Gwen!

We all had alot of fun opening millions of presents, singing and dancing and showing everyone how to use my dancing ribbon - and I ate alot of mince pies that my naini made. I shouted at my dad alot too - but not in the same way as mum does ;) but to say faster dad, faster when he was running really fast. He beat aunty vic but then didnt feel very well, I think Uncle Owen was the fastest, but only cos me or my mum werent in the race, we would have got the gold and silver medals for sure.
I can't wait for another christmas, I had such a wonderful time I love it! - is it tomorrow mum?