Yes - summer took a long time coming this year. Nan and Granbob even tried to bring it with them all the way from Australia but it didnt work! Mum and dad and me seemed to have a long time off when Nan and Granbob arrived. We went to the river to see some boats go past - it was very cold, then Amanda and Rachel and Michael and Katie all turned up and came back to our house. Dad decided to have a bbq but guess what - it rained! Nan had to hold our big umbrella over the barbie to stop it going out - it was funny. The strange thing was that the day that Nan and Granbob arrived it had been sunny and we were outside playing in the street with flags and bouncy castles (mum said it was okay).
Granbob read me lots and lots and lots of books, we had a lot of fun. Nan picked me up from nursery and took me for a long walk home - one day she had to cover me in a jacket because it was that windy.

Then things got really brilliant! Nan and Granbob and Uncle Geoff and Aunty Sam and Naini and Taidi and Aunty Ruth and Uncle Kevin and Evie all came around and we had a party with lots of presents, for me! I got a really really big balloon and it said 3 - that is me, three!
We had lots of food and fun and then....Nan showed me a cake for me!!! it was peppa pig - I love peppa! Then everyone sang happy birthday to me, cos I am three!
Then we had to go to Evie's party and I got to play with her toys and help her blow out her candles. I sang Happy Birthday to Evie, but it wasnt as good as when it was happy birthday to me, cos I am three! (and she is only little, she is two..)

Just before Nan and Granbob had to go on a big aeroplane we had another big party in our house. This time it was really full and there were lots of people who said that it was them who were three - well I am sorry, but
I am three - not them!