Saturday, 26 June 2010

Polo and parties

This is old news, but I forgot to tell you all.

I have been to my first polo match and my first football party!

The polo match was alot of fun - mum and dad and auntie ruth and kevin were laughing at alot of people and what they were wearing which is probably a bit cruel considering it was so hot I ended up in my vest ! There were lots of horses there and it was very close to our house and mum said it was free - but dad bought alot of pies to make up for it....

The football party was at my friend Clem's house - I wore the new outfit that Naini bought me - I think it is really cool. My friend Clem was wearing a funny outfit (it was red and white with lions on)- but I am too polite to say anything! We had to leave early cos Naini and Taidi we coming to pick me up to take me away -see next blog!!!

Hope you enjoy the pics

Love Gwennie

If I took a holid-da-y ..

Hello everyone,
Sorry I havent updated you for ages - I have been on my holidays! I went to stay with Naini and Taidi for nearly a week! It was really good as there was lots of new things to play with and explore. Molly came down to play with me which was fun and I go ALOT of cuddles from Naini and Taidi. The only problem was that I had MORE teeth coming and so Naini had to keep giving me even more cuddles and some medicine. Mum and Dad weren't there for ages and ages, I did wonder when they were going to turn up. Aunty Vic and Cousin Ted turned up first and then the house got very noisy - cousin Ted is great and I like following him around and trying to play with him and his toys. He didn't seem to want to let me play with his things very often, but I think I will be able to persuade him next time cos then I will be able to run after him - he he ! Cousin Ted hit his head outside on the first day and everyone blamed taidi - it was nothing to do with me, honest. Naini fed me lots of nice food and Taidi carried me around alot, mum and dad dont do that - i think I will make them in future.
Mum finally turned up and brought me a present and lots more cuddles (yippee)! we all went somewhere the next day with Aunty Vic and Cousin ted where there was alot of blowy noise and bright lights and then Ted had to sit in a chair and eat chocolate whilst a lady played with his hair and then he got more chocolate - i didnt get any!
Dad arrived later on, I heard him so I woke up and pretended to cry so he would come and see me and then Uncle owen was there too. I never knew who was going to turn up next - we also saw - Aunty Dwyn, Craig, Aunty Jane, Aunty Angharad, Aunty Yvonne, Uncle Wyn, Uncle Rhys, Aunty Jacky, Nia, Uncle John - loads of people - where do they all come from - I can't be related to them all can I?
Me and mum and dad are home now and I have been back to nursery which is great fun - we have been doing lots of water play because it was hot and tonight we went to the park afterwards to play in the sun. Mum said that soon we wont go to the park cos we will have our own green place - I wonder if there will be a pub for mum and dad to buy drinks from next to it though?
love gwennie

Belated - my 3rd team are unbeaten!

dear nan

as you know aunty sam bought me an all black shirt - i decided to wear it today to celebrate another massive draw for our team. please dont tell mum or taidi that i was wearing it as i think the rugby team beat my rugby team yesterday, it is all very exciting - dad is always wearing his australia t shirt at the moment but i havent worn my soccaroos shirt yet. i have just got back from spending a week with naini and taidi in wales - it was great fun!

guess what i had for tea? - italian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lots of love to you and granbob

love and kisses
